Deputy Chief of General Staff of the ARM Held a Meeting with the Ambassador and the Defence Attaché of the Republic of France GENERAL STAFF19.07.2018
Deputy Chief of General Staff of the ARM Held a Meeting with the Defence Attaché of the Republic of Serbia GENERAL STAFF12.07.2018
Deputy Chief of General Staff of the ARM Held a Meeting with the Non-resident Defence Attaché of Japan GENERAL STAFF12.07.2018
Ceremony honors 125 new professional soldiers who joined the Army of the Republic of Macedonia GENERAL STAFF04.07.2018
Meeting at the ARM GS with Representatives of the General Directorate for Armament – France GENERAL STAFF27.06.2018
ARM CGS Participates at the Annual US National Guard State Partnership Program Conference with the Partner Armies GENERAL STAFF20.06.2018
Excellent Cooperation Confirmed When Chief of GS of ARM Visited the National Guard of Vermont GENERAL STAFF14.06.2018
DCGS of ARM Meeting the Deputy Chiefs of General Staffs of the Member Armies of SEDEM Process GENERAL STAFF13.06.2018
ARM Chief of General Staff Attends the 12th Conference of the Chiefs of Defence of the Balkan Countries GENERAL STAFF23.05.2018
ARM Chief of General Staff had a meeting with NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe GENERAL STAFF24.04.2018
Official Visit of the ARM Chief of General Staff to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia GENERAL STAFF11.04.2018