Necessary supplies distributed to the cut-off villages Brest and Malino maalo CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION13.01.2019
Engineers Battalion Servicemen Completed the Construction of the Wooden Bridge in the Village of Poroj CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, GENERAL STAFF20.09.2017
The Army of the Republic of Macedonia and its Servicemen Join the Fire Extinction in the Vicinity of Village Trebovlje CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, GENERAL STAFF01.08.2017
Central Blood Donation Action on the occasion of 25 years of ARM CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, GENERAL STAFF19.07.2017
Cooperative Demonstration Exercise of ARM and the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, GENERAL STAFF26.05.2017
Acknowledging the Contribution of the Members of 3rd MIBn during the Floods by the Municipality of Tetovo CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND04.03.2016
Donation for socially disadvantaged families and orphans CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, SPECIAL OPERATIONS REGIMENT30.12.2015
Municipal Kindergarten “Srnicka” visited Air Force Brigade CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND12.11.2015
High school “Nikola Karev” visited barracks “Ilinden” CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, SPECIAL OPERATIONS REGIMENT14.10.2015
Donation by the members of ARM that participated in the „Macedonian Flash-11“ exercise to the elementary school “Strasho Pindzur“ Kavadarci CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND07.10.2015
Humanitarian Action in the Training and Doctrines Command CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND12.08.2015
Pupils from Primary School “Nevena Gorgieva Dunja” Visit Air Force Brigade CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND13.05.2015
Members of Joint Operations Command and Subordinate Commands and Units in Humanitarian Action to Help Marginalised Groups of Citizens CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND17.04.2015
Humanitarian Action in Training and Doctrine Command CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND09.04.2015
“Day for the Civilian Structures” in Six Garrisons in ARM CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND27.03.2015
High School of Economics “Vasil Antevski – Dren” in Skopje Visited the Military Barracks Ilinden and the Military Police Battalion CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND06.03.2015
ArtyBn Humanitarian Activity Prior New Year and Christmas Holidays CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND26.12.2014
Practical Classes with the Students of the University “FON” CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND24.12.2014
Visit of Students from High School “Riste Risteski Ricko” to the Barracks in Prilep CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND14.11.2014
Open Day for the Army of Republic of Macedonia in Demir Hisar CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND10.10.2014
Meetings with the mayors of Sveti Nikole and Kriva Palanka realized as part of the civil-military cooperation of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND10.09.2014
Members of the Training and Doctrine Command among Citizens CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND15.08.2014
Donation of clothing and shoes for socially endangered families on the occasion of 18 August – Day of ARM CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, SPECIAL OPERATIONS REGIMENT14.08.2014
Logistic support at public gathering on the occasion of celebration of St. Pantelejmon CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND11.08.2014
Logistical support to civilian event in the village Srbjani CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND12.07.2014