To prepare the conventional ground and air forces of the Army for defense and protection of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic, with the declared forces to participate in operations in support of peace and conflict prevention and management of regional conflicts and crises in operations led by NATO, UN, OSC, EU, and other international alliances and to contribute to the protection of the wider interests of the Republic.
- Preparation of the conventional ground and air forces;
- Performing operations and providing military support as a host country to international forces on the territory of the Republic;
- Providing support for the forces of the Ministry of internal affairs in dealing with threats, risks and safety hazards to the Republic;
- Providing support of the government and local government units;
- Preparation of the declared forces;
- Achievement of full interoperability and interoperability with NATO;
- Planning and conducting training according to NATO standards;
- Assistance to the safety of the civil structures in terms of assistance in cases of natural disasters and preserving the vital infrastructure in case of earthquakes, fires , floods and other emergencies such as:
– Supplying food to population in isolated mountain regions in winter;
– Carrying out engineer tasks in regulation of riverbed;
– Afforestation etc.
Brigadier General Mirche Gjorgoski
Date and place of birth:
7 November 1966, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
- 1981-1985 Basic school in Ohrid;
- 1985-1989 Military high school, Belgrade;
- 1989-1993 Military Academy of Land Forces, Belgrade;
- 2000 Fire support Officer Course, German Bundeswehr, Germany;
- 2000 Commander of Artillery Battalion Course, German Bundeswehr, Germany;
- 2001 Leader’s Course for 21st Century, George Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch P. Kirchen, Germany;
- 2001 Public Relation Officer Course, Spiez, Switzerland;
- 2002 CIMIC Civil-Military Cooperation in Peace Operations Course ,,To secure the peace”, PPC (Pearson Peacekeeping Center), Nova Scotia – Canada;
- 2003 NATO Orientation Course, Oberammergau, Germany;
- 2004 Command and Staff School, Military Academy, Skopje;
- 2005 CJTF Course – MTT/ JFC HQ – Naples in Skopje;
- 2010 Strategic Communication Course, PfP Centre, Ankara, Turkey;
- 2011 Terrorism and media Course, Centre of Excellence-Defense Against Terrorism, Ankara, Turkey;
- 2013 NATO Defense College (NDC), Rome, Italy;
- 2018 Executive Program in Defense Decision Making, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, US.
Relevant courses, seminars and exercises:
- 2001 Public Affairs Seminar, (Organized by SHAPE ) Bucharest, Romania;
- 2002 SEEBRIG Exercise “Seven Stars 2002”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
- 2006 “Relationship between Media and security sector” RACVIAC Centre, Zagreb, Croatia;
- 2007 Chief of Public Information Centre, Exercise “Macedonian Flash 07 – 10” Training Area ,,Krivolak” Republic of Macedonia;
- 2008 Public Affairs Seminar ,,Open up” (Organized by Norwegian MOD), Split, Croatia;
- 2009 Participation in NATO Exercise “Steadfast Joist”, JFC Naples;
- 2009 Public Affairs Seminar “Organization of Public Affairs and PIO in Crisis Management” Copenhagen, Denmark;
- 2011 Public Affairs Seminar “Public Media and Security in SEE”, RACVIAC, Zagreb, Croatia;
- 2011 Army GS representative in Strategic Communication Working Group of MOD;
- 2017 Annual Senior Officers Seminar – Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland;
- 2018 Strategic Leadership program, Defense Academy UK.
Military career:
- 1989 1st Lt. Plt. Leader;
- 1990 Lt. Commander of 105 mm Artillery Battery;
- 1993 Captain, Commander of Mortar Battery 120 mm;
- 1996 Captain, Security Platoon Leader of the President of Republic of Macedonia;
- 1998 Captain of 1st class, Deputy Commander/Artillery battalion 105 mm;
- 2001 Major, Protocol officer of GS/ARM;
- 2002 Major, Commander of Cadet’s Battalion, Military Academy;
- 2006 LTC, Planning officer – Section for planning and integration of forces / G3 of GS/ARM;
- 2006 Col Head of Public Affairs Office and Spokesman of GS/ARM;
- 2015 Commander-in-Chief Aide-de-Camp;
- 2016 Commander of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade;
- 2019 Chief of Staff of JOC;
- 2025 Commander of the Operations Command
- 1989 2nd Lieutenant
- 1990 Lieutenant
- 1993 Captain
- 1997 Captain I Class
- 2002 Major
- 2006 Lieutenant Colonel
- 2010 Colonel
- 2015 Brigadier General
Awards and decorations:
- Money award from commander of Regiment;
- Appreciations from brigade, corps;
- Chief of GS and five days leave from Chief of GS;
- Golden badge of ARM;
- Silver badge for long-years’ service from MoD.
Foreign Languages:
- English;
- German.
Marital status:
Married, two children.
tel. + 389 31 474-101
fax: + 389 31 474-044

Sergeant Major Dzoskej Petrovski
Sergeant Major Petrovski was born in 1973 in Radovish, where he finished elementary school. He finished high school in Bitola.
He started his military career in the armored battalion in Skopje, where he received the first Non-Commissioned Officer rank. So far in his career he has performed the duties of Tank Commander, Tank Platoon Commander, Tank Company First Sergeant, Chief NCO of a Tank Battalion and Chief NCO of an Infantry Brigade.
He has completed several courses of professional military education in the country and abroad. “Train the Trainer” course in Herisau, Switzerland; course for “Military Training and Instructions Techniques” at the Training Command in Veles; “Non-Commissioned Officers Advanced Course” in the Training Command in Veles; “Course for Company Sergeant Major” in the Training and Doctrine Command in Veles; Higher Non-Commissioned Officer Academy in Zagreb, Croatia; “CSEL” course in Zagreb, Croatia. He participated in the exercises “Macedonian Flash” in 2011 and 2012.
He has been awarded and commended on several occasions by the commanders of the Tank Battalion, the 1 st Infantry Brigade and the Operations Command.
He is fluent in English, married and father of three children.
Military career:
- Tank Commander 2001-2003;
- Tank Platoon Commander 2003-2011;
- First Sergeant of a Tank Company 2011-2013;
- Chief NCO of a Tank Battalion 2013-2020;
- Chief NCO of the 1st Infantry Brigade 2020-2021
- Command Sergeant Major of the Operations Command, November 2021.
- Sergeant 2001-2007;
- Staff Sergeant 2007-2012;
- Staff Sergeant 1 st Class 2012-2016;
- Master Sergeant 2016-2021.
- Sergeant Major 2021.
Lieutenant Colonel Chaslav Stojmanovski
Lieutenant Colonel Chaslav Stojmanovski was born in 1972 in Kumanovo. After finishing high school in Kumanovo he continued his military education at the Military Academy “Mihajlo Apostolski” in Skopje.
He started his military career as a platoon commander in Kumanovo. He has held many command and staff duties at the Battalion, Brigade, Operations Command and General Staff level. From 2019 he is appointed Public Relations Officer in the Joint Operations Command.
He has completed several public relations, communication and media skills courses, CIMIC, NATO courses, foreign language courses as well as a course for paratroopers. He has participated in numerous exercises in country and abroad such as: “Macedonian Flash 5, 6, 7 and 9”, “Trident Juncture 2015” in Spain, and “Maple Arch 2019” in Ukraine, and during 2010 participated in a rotation of the ISAF Peacekeeping Operation in the IR of Afghanistan as a Deputy Commander of the contingent.
He has been awarded and commended many times, the most notable incentives are: 8 days of absence from the Minister of Defense in 2011, commendations from the JOC Commander in 2008, 2015 and 2016 and a silver badge of the Army for Partnership, Coordination and Cooperation in 2019 . He uses English actively. Marital status – married, father of two children.
- Platoon Commander 2000-2005;
- Staff Commander, JOC 2005-2008;
- Platoon Commander 2008-2010;
- Deputy Commander in the ISAF Afghanistan Contingent 2010-2011;
- Command Company Commander 2011-2012;
- Planning and Electronic Media Officer 2012;
- Public Relations Officer in 1st MIBde 2012-2015;
- Officer for Inter-Army Cooperation in JOC, 2015-2019;
- Public Relations Officer in JOC, 2019.
- Second Lieutenant 2000;
- Lieutenant 2001;
- Captain 2008;
- Major 2014;
- Lieutenant Colonel 2018.

As a Command on operational level it exists from the beginning of the ARM formation on 01.04.1992 as the Army Corps.
- On March 5, 2019 Brigadier General Orce Jordev was appointed Deputy Commander of the JOC, and Colonel Besnik Emini was appointed Chief of Staff.
- On 01.01.2018 the President of the Republic of Macedonia Dr. Gjorge Ivanov visited the ARM members in the barracks “Chojlija”;
- Realized exercises “Macedonian Flash 14” and “Challenge 2018”;
- On 31.01. 2018, Minister of Defense Mrs. Radmila Shekerinska visited the barracks “Boro Menkov” in Kumanovo;
- On 17. 05. 2018, Brigadier General Orce Jordev was appointed Chief of Staff in the JOC;
- On 22.05.2018, Brigadier General Pavle Arsoski was appointed Commander of the JOC.
- Realization of the exercises “Macedonian Flash 13”, “Joint Reaction 17”, “Dragoon Guardian 17” and “Challenge 17”.
- Realization of the exercise “Macedonian Flash 12”;
- On December 1, Brigadier General Zoran Mileski was appointed Commander of the JOC.
- Realization of the exercise “Macedonian Flash 11”;
- On August 18, Brigadier General Vasko Gjurchinovski was appointed Commander of the JOC and Brigadier General Pavle Arsoski, Deputy Commander of the JOC. Brigadier General Azim Nuredin was appointed Chief of Staff instead of Brigadier General Stojan Dimchov;
- On 01.01.2015, a new operation began in IR Afghanistan under the name “Resolute Support” and part of the equipment (APC “Hermelin”) was returned to the Republic of Macedonia;
- On August 20, 2015, with the emergence of the refugee crisis, the Joint Operations Command gave support to the Ministry of Interior with funds and deployment of forces to the southern border of the Republic of Macedonia with Greece, in the wider region of Gevgelija.
- In accordance with the decree for days of ARM units brought by the President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, October 11 – the Day of the JOC was marked with a military ceremony, in memory of the traditions and forming of Kresna Uprising Headquarters;
- Evaluation of the combat readiness of the command, headquarters and staffing of the JOC;
- Realization of the exercise “Macedonian Flash 10” and the NATO Assessment LEVEL-2 of the Middle Infantry Battalion Group (MIBG) and the Army Field Hospital (AFH-Role 2);
- Participation of the OKSEUBG-2 company on the “Quick Lion” exercise in the Kingdom of Belgium with operational readiness for use until 31.12.2014.
- Realization of the exercises “Macedonian Flash 09”, “Challenge 2013” and the exercise “Joint Resistance 2013”;
- Brigadier General Muhamed Racaj was appointed Deputy Commander of the JOC, and Brigadier General Stojan Dimchov was appointed Chief of Staff;
- On January 1, the barracks “Mirce Acev” in Prilep was officially opened by the President of the Republic of Macedonia Dr. Gjorge Ivanov.
- In March 2012, Brigadier General Metodija Velichkovski was appointed Commander of the JOC;
- At the ATA Krivolak MIE was realized on the topic “Fire support for artillery units”;
- The exercise “Cooperative Longbow / Lancer 2012” and the NATO LEVEL 1 assessment of the Middle Infantry Battalion Group (MIBG) were realized.
- 04.2011 Brigadier General Gorancho Kotevski is appointed as the JOC Commander.
- Joint Operational Command according to the NATO standards transforms into a new organizational – formation structure organized into sections J Structure according to NATO standards organized into sections of J-1 to J-9 and reduced number of subordinate units.
- 01.01.2010, Visit of the President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Gjorgje Ivanov to the JOC Command.
- In the course of 2009, one of the more significant activities was the planning and execution of the exercise “Macedonian Flash 05” during which Self-assessment Level-2 was carried out in accordance with the Concept of Operational Capability of the JOC declared units.
- 01.2008 to 30.07.2008Brigadier General SejdiniNaser is appointed as the JOC Deputy Commander;
- 07.2008 Brigadier General Galazovski Kiro is appointed as the JOC Commander.
- 02.2007 in the JOC command, for the first time since the introduction of the formation post command sergeant major of the JOC, started the implementation of the Concept of professional development t of the NCOs in the ARM;
- 16:06. to 30.06.2007 Joint exercise “Macedonian Flash 2007”,NATO exercise Level -1.Tthe exercise was conducted on TA “Krivolak” by members of 1st mechanized infantry brigade and the armed forces of the United Kingdom-England;
- 10 to 04.11.2007 on TA “Krivolak”, “Macedonian Flash-2” NATO Level-1 between members of the armed forces of member states of the group A-3-(Republic of Macedonia Republc of Croatia and the Republic of Albania) .The Engineer Platoon of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade also participated in the exercise;
- December -Major General Dimov Zoran is appointed as the JOC Commander.
- 03. The 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade is promoted – from the previous 2nd Infantry Brigade;
- 04. The Signal Battalion is promoted which under the new formation became part of the JOC;
- 04. At the TA “Chojlija” the Armoured Mechanized Battalion T-72 was promoted as part of the JOC;
- 04. The Artillery Battalion is transformed into 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion and is dislocated to the Veles garrison;
- 09. The Military Police Battalion promoted at the “Ilinden” barracks in Skopje, which under the new formation became part of the JOC;
- 09. To 23.09.2006 At the TA “Krivolak” a joint exercise “Exchanging small military police units”, was conducted with the military police unit of the National Guard of Vermont – United States.
- 08. Promotion of the Joint Operations Command (JOC), the previous Land Force Command is restructured into Joint Operational Command. The composition of the JOC includes WING and Air Defence Battalion;
- November, JOC is executor of the multinational exercise “Cooperative Association 05”, held in Skopje.
- Colonel Zoran Lekovski is assigned as JOC Deputy Commander.
- 06.2003, Brigadier General Atanas Jovchevski assigned as Land Forces Commander;
- June, the mission in Iraq – “Iraqi Freedom” commences.
- 05.2002, formation of ARM Land Forces Command;
- The ISAF mission in Afghanistan commences with Land Forces Command personnel.
- 10.2000 transformed into Command of the 1st Army Corps of the ARM.