The Military Police Battalion is designed to perform military-police duties on the whole territory of the Republic and in peacekeeping operations, to maintain order and discipline, regulate and control traffic, protect military personnel and military delegations, to conduct activities related to prevention, investigation and detection of offences.
- Planning and organization:
- Preparation of drafts and amendments of the organization and formation;
- Determination of military needs and priorities for force planning;
- Analysis of the ratio between military needs and available resources;
- Implementation of questions about NATO standardization;
- Promotion and development of personnel management, intelligence, counterintelligence, security and force protection, organization, preparation and implementation of operational capabilities and combat readiness, logistical support, training, financial support and civilian military cooperation;
- Submission of proposals for the adoption of technical rules and guidelines within the scope of use, internal order and relations in the performance of duty in the Army and other professional rules and guidelines;
- Preparation of draft plans for equipping and modernization.
- Planning and usage:
- Analysis, planning and preparation of documents for use of MP Battalion or parts of the unit;
- Control of the subordinate units plans;
- Planning and implementation of measures, activities and procedures for raising the level of combat readiness in accordance with the estimated security situation and orders received;
- Control of the reached combat readiness of subordinate units;
- Planning and implementation of measures, activities and procedures to support the forces of the Ministry of Interior in dealing with asymmetric threats;
- Planning and implementation of activities and procedures to support central and local government in dealing with natural disasters;
- Operational use of the unit, or parts thereof, by order of the JOC;
- Preparation and execution of mobilization:
– Mobilization assessment;
– Making proposals for mobilization development;
– Developing a plan for mobilization;
– Execution of mobilization of the unit or its parts.
- Achieving and maintaining combat readiness;
- Undertaking and implementing measures for MP Battalion readiness, and measures for their execution;
- Control of the combat readiness of the units and taking measures for its improvement.
- Planning and conducting of training and exercises:
- Planning, organizing and controlling of training to achieve and maintain the required level of combat readiness of the units;
- Training of staff for participation in multinational operations and missions of peacekeeping and combat terrorism;
- Participation in exercises with NATO and coalition partners;
- Planning and training of staff in the declared unit;
- Planning, organizing and conducting training exercises.
- Planning and conducting personnel management:
- Planning, organizing and conducting of training for individual and professional personnel development;
- Planning, placement and relocation of personnel;
- Proposes placement and relocation of key personnel;
- Administrative support for personnel management.
- Intelligence, counterintelligence and force protection:
- Support to the system for intelligence and counterintelligence in the Army, and coordination with organizational units of the authorized institutions in the system in the area of responsibility;
- Participation in organizing and preparing for the prevention of asymmetric threats directed at the unit;
- Performs analysis, evaluation, planning and submits draft measures to identify and confront the security threats directed toward the defence of the Republic;
- Participation in activities for securing people, commands and objects of importance to the defence;
- Organization of the regulation and control of military traffic;
- Analysis and assessment of potential threats to security towards and from the personnel and MTS;
- Implementation of measures, activities and procedures for the protection of classified information in the Army;
- Taking measures and activities for detection and prevention of committing crimes in the Army.
- Logistic support:
- Planning, implementation and control of logistic support (supply, maintenance, movement and transportation, medical support, infrastructure);
- Analysis of the situation in the supply of all classes of materials;
- Taking measures to maintain inventory levels;
- Maintenance of tangible assets;
- Health care for the personnel;
- Planning and organizing transport for the unit’s needs;
- Managing accommodation facilities, maintenance, storage facilities and other infrastructure.
- Organization and preparation of KIS:
- Developing a plan for the organization and implementation of connections to support command and control of subordinate units;
- Implementation of measures, procedures and activities related to the organization of the crypto system.
- Planning funds:
- Preparation and participation in making a financial plan;
- Implementation of the financial plan.
- Civil-military cooperation:
- Planning, organization and preparation of cooperation with civil authorities and organizations in the country.
Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Stankovski
Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Stankovski was born in 1981 in Skopje. After finishing elementary and secondary school in Skopje, he started his military education at the “General Mihailo Apostolski” Military Academy in Skopje.
After completing military education in 2004 (X-class), he began his military career as a platoon commander in a Signals Regiment, shortly after which he was transferred to the First Mechanized Infantry Battalion, within the First Mechanized Infantry Brigade, serving as a platoon commander until 2010. From 2010 to present, he has had various positions in the Military Police Battalion.
Upon joining the Military Police Battalion, he started as a Platoon Commander for Technical Protection and Security until 2014, when he took over the command of the Second Military Police Company. While performing the duty of a Company Commander, he also led a declared Military Police Company, which, was evaluated and certified “NEL-2” (combat ready) according to NATO standards. In 2017, he was appointed the Chief of S-1 Section in the Military Police Battalion and remained on this position until 2019, when he became Chief of Section S-3/7 within the Military Police Battalion. From 2022 to the present day, he has served as Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander.
He continued his military education at the Command and Staff College at the Marine Corps University in Quantico, USA in the period 2019-2021.
He further enhanced his military education by completing various courses in country and abroad, including: Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Course in the Republic of Ukraine in 2008; Non-Lethal Weapons Instructor Course in the United States in 2011; International Staff Officers’ Course in the Republic of Slovakia in 2014; Integrity Building Course in Peace Support Operations in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018; Course for Evaluators of Declared Units according to “OCC E&F” and “CREVAL” in 2016 and 2023, and many other.
In the period from 2008/2009 to 2014, he participated in the peacekeeping operation in the IR of Afghanistan. He also participated in several exercises in country and abroad, such as: “Cooperative Associate 2005”; a series of exercises “Macedonian Flash” starting with “Macedonian Flash 03”; “NATO Georgia Exercise 2016” in Georgia; “Joint Reaction 17”; “Platinum Wolf-17” in the Republic of Serbia; “Saber Strike 18” in the Republic of Poland; “Rapid Trident 19” in the Republic of Ukraine; “Beyond Horizon 22” in the Republic of Bulgaria.
“Subject Matter Expert – SME” for military police, evaluator of declared capacities according to the concept “OCC E&F” and “CREVAL”, instructor for non-lethal weapons and also a member of the working group for standardization at the Military Police Community in the NATO Centre of Excellence “MP COE”.
For his achievements throughout his career, he has received multiple commendations, awards, and recognitions, including commendations from the Chief of General Staff of the Army, the Commander of the Operations Command, a leave of absence from the Ministry of Defense, the Chief of General Staff, and the Commander of the Operations Command. Additionally, he has been awarded a medal for participation in the peacekeeping operation “ISAF” in Afghanistan, etc.
He is proficient in English according to STANAG 6001 and speaks German conversationally. He is a father of one child.
Military Career:
Platoon Commander in a Signals Regiment, 2004-2007;
Mechanized Infantry Platoon Commander, 2007-2010;
Technical Protection and Security Platoon Commander, 2010-2014;
Commander of the 2nd Company in the Military Police Battalion, 2014-2017;
Chief of S-1, 2017-2019;
Chief of S-3/7, 2019-2022;
Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander, 2022-2024
Second Lieutenant 2004-2008;
Lieutenant 2008-2012;
Captain 2012-2017;
Major 2017-2023;
Lieutenant Colonel since 2023
Military Police Battalion has its roots in the rich Macedonian history. The tradition started on the 29th of October 1878 when the Macedonian uprising in Kresna demanded forming of military police units in the liberated territory of Macedonia, consequently, these were the first Military Police forces. Therefore, the historical date of the 29th of October is pronounced as the Day of the Unit for the Military Police Battalion.
The Military Police Battalion is the only Military Police unit in the Army of the Republic of Macedonia. It has been working since the founding of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e. the 15th of April, 1992 with a signed decree by the President of the Republic of Macedonia and now it is an independent unit within the Army of the Republic of Macedonia.
The formation of the Military Police Battalion has been changed a few times, nevertheless, today it is the main pillar of the defence system of the Republic of Macedonia with clear mission and tasks and always ready to accomplish their tasks, aims and objectives.
Today, the Military Police Battalion is part of the Joint Operations Command of ARM. It consists of professionals within completely transformed formation, highly skilled, who can accomplish the assigned tasks and obligations side by side with the NATO member countries.
The Military Police Battalion has a mission to conduct military police operations and tasks all over the territory of the Republic of Macedonia as well as in peacekeeping missions. Their mission includes tasks such as, providing security of important buildings, military personnel, military delegations, and high ranking military officers from Macedonia and abroad. In addition, they investigate and prevent crimes in the defence, maintain discipline and order in the army and control and regulate military traffic.
The black barrette and the white belt are clear symbols which discern the Military Police Battalion from the other units in the ARM. Their motto is “Always ready” which demonstrates and confirms that in order to be a military police serviceman one has to meet high professional standards, has to be vastly responsible and courageous, and to have integrity, endurance and loyalty.
The servicemen of Military Police Battalion have versatile training. According to NATO standards their training is evaluated as highly professional, including psycho-physical capabilities which lead to skillful resourcefulness whenever they have to deal with different situations, in-country as well as abroad.
The Military Police Battalion has actively participated in peacekeeping missions in Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Afghanistan, where they have had a representative at the International airport of Kabul, Afghanistan as part of the peacekeeping mission Phoenix in cooperation with the National Guard of Vermont, the USA. In addition, they have had an NCO team in the MTT Military Police School in Afghanistan. All these assignments and tasks were accomplished in an extremely professional manner.
The Military Police Battalion have participated in various military exercises in Germany, Poland, Romania and other countries which regularly cooperate with them. They continue their well established cooperation with the 709th Military Police Battalion of the USA. Additionally, the Military Police Battalion support security forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia at the southern border of the country and they are the main pillar in the maintaining control on the refugee illegal crossings. Furthermore, they help alleviate the consequences of natural disasters and other significant activities which are everyday tasks to the Military Police Battalion of ARM.
As the cherry on the top, the Military Police Battalion was awarded a Military Achievement Medal by the Supreme Commander of the Republic of Macedonia, the Macedonian President, at the Day of the Macedonian Army in 2016.