Participation of Deputy Chief of ARM General Staff at the Ninth Conference of Chiefs of General Staffs of the Balkan Countries Armies GENERAL STAFF27.05.2015
Part of the Units’ Activities within the Joint Operations Command Presented before the Vermont National Guard Delegation OPERATIONS COMMAND21.05.2015
ARM Chief of General Staff Participates in NATO Military Committee Conference in Brussels GENERAL STAFF20.05.2015
Sergeant Major of National Guard of Vermont – US Visits the Army of Republic of Macedonia GENERAL STAFF19.05.2015
Contest for Best Driver and Best Mechanic Held in Logistic Support Brigade OPERATIONS COMMAND15.05.2015
Workshop for Making Operational Plan for Exercise “MACEDONIAN FLASH – 11” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND15.05.2015
Air Force Brigade Pilots Showed High Training when Conducting Regular Exercises with Helicopters Mi-8 and Mi -24 OPERATIONS COMMAND14.05.2015
Pupils from Primary School “Nevena Gorgieva Dunja” Visit Air Force Brigade CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND13.05.2015
Visit of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Latvia to the Special Operations Regiment SPECIAL OPERATIONS REGIMENT12.05.2015
Military Personnel from the Joint Operations Command Took Part in the Solemn Assembly at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts OPERATIONS COMMAND08.05.2015
Finish selective course for professional soldiers in special units of the Army SPECIAL OPERATIONS REGIMENT08.05.2015
Final Sports Competitive Games on the Occasion Celebrating the Day of the Logistics Support. OPERATIONS COMMAND07.05.2015
Members of ARM Participate in Exercise “Saber Junction – 15” in FR Germany EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND05.05.2015