Sending-off Ceremony at the Joint Operations Command for the First Rotation of Peacekeepers within the Security Forces which Secure the Command in the New Mission “Decisive Support” MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND19.12.2014
Certificates of Commendation and Coins of Excellence for the First Mechanized Infantry Brigade Personnel who had the Best Results in the Physical Check-ups OPERATIONS COMMAND12.12.2014
Participation of the ARM Members in the International Exercise „Platinum Wolf 15“ EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND01.12.2014
NATO Communication Office in Skopje Visits Joint Operations Command and its subordinate units OPERATIONS COMMAND28.11.2014
Situational tactical exercise with changing positions of units in the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade OPERATIONS COMMAND27.11.2014
Training on “Fight in urban environment” in 3rd and 4th Mechanized Infantry Battalion of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade OPERATIONS COMMAND26.11.2014
Visit of Students from High School “Riste Risteski Ricko” to the Barracks in Prilep CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND14.11.2014
Training for Maintenance of “Iveco 80.17” and “Iveco Eurocargo” Vehicles OPERATIONS COMMAND13.11.2014
Air Force Brigade Visited by a Delegation from the Army of Republic of Greece and the NATO Liaison Office in Skopje OPERATIONS COMMAND06.11.2014
Send-Off Ceremony for the 17th Rotation of the Medical Team Deployed on the Peacekeeping Mission ALTEA MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND31.10.2014
United States European Command Visits the Joint Operations Command and its Subordinate Units OPERATIONS COMMAND31.10.2014
Appreciation for the Macedonian Deployed Units over Successfully Accomplished Exercise at the ISAF HQ in Kabul Afghanistan MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND17.10.2014
Blood Donating and Humanitarian Campaign of the Personnel of Joint Operations Command (JOC) on the Occasion of the Day of the Unit OPERATIONS COMMAND13.10.2014
Open Day for the Army of Republic of Macedonia in Demir Hisar CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND10.10.2014
Sports Competition Games Held on the Occasion of the Join Operations Command OPERATIONS COMMAND10.10.2014
Joint Operations Command key personnel visit to the “Goce Delchev” University in Shtip OPERATIONS COMMAND30.09.2014
Exchange of Experience between the Members of the Units of the Joint Operations Command and the Macedonian Shooting Sport Federation OPERATIONS COMMAND29.09.2014
Preparatory shooting with the Reserve Officers Organization of the Republic of Macedonia OPERATIONS COMMAND29.09.2014