New Generation of Soldiers on a Voluntary Military Service Arrived TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND28.10.2014
Photo news: The Chief of ARM General Staff Lieutenant General Gorancho Koteski Visits the Special Operations Regiment GENERAL STAFF22.10.2014
Appreciation for the Macedonian Deployed Units over Successfully Accomplished Exercise at the ISAF HQ in Kabul Afghanistan MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND17.10.2014
Courses for Training Service Dogs Completed in the Canine Training Center TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND17.10.2014
A Farewell Meeting of the Chief of Staff of ARM with the Attaché of the Republic of Bulgaria GENERAL STAFF14.10.2014
Blood Donating and Humanitarian Campaign of the Personnel of Joint Operations Command (JOC) on the Occasion of the Day of the Unit OPERATIONS COMMAND13.10.2014
Open Day for the Army of Republic of Macedonia in Demir Hisar CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION, OPERATIONS COMMAND10.10.2014
Sports Competition Games Held on the Occasion of the Join Operations Command OPERATIONS COMMAND10.10.2014
Successful Performance of the Military Band of ARM and Ceremonial Guard Battalion in Kriva Palanka PROTOCOL ACTIVITIES09.10.2014
Athletic Recreational March of the Military and Civil Personnel from the Training and Doctrine Command TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND08.10.2014
Joint Operations Command key personnel visit to the “Goce Delchev” University in Shtip OPERATIONS COMMAND30.09.2014
Exchange of Experience between the Members of the Units of the Joint Operations Command and the Macedonian Shooting Sport Federation OPERATIONS COMMAND29.09.2014
Preparatory shooting with the Reserve Officers Organization of the Republic of Macedonia OPERATIONS COMMAND29.09.2014