To commemorate Independence Day, the Army Delegation paid tribute to the deceased Presidents Kiro Gligorov and Boris Trajkovski PROTOCOL ACTIVITIES08.09.2021
The Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski had a farewell meeting with the Defense Attaché of Romania PROTOCOL ACTIVITIES18.08.2021
Official start of the Basic Course for Non Commissioned Officers 2-21 TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND13.08.2021
Deepening cooperation with 4th Security Force Assistance Brigade of the United States Army OPERATIONS COMMAND10.08.2021
Participation at the 10th Regional Mountain Running Military Competition in Kopaonik ARMY AND SPORT09.08.2021
President Pendarovski and Chief of the General Staff Gjurchinovski visited the members of the Army engaged in extinguishing fires in Prilep region GENERAL STAFF09.08.2021
Activities of the Army for Commemorating 2nd August – the Day of the Republic PROTOCOL ACTIVITIES02.08.2021
Humanitarian action of cadets during the course for platoon commanders TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND27.07.2021
Enabling greater interoperability in conducting joint peacekeeping operations with members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey through firearms donation GENERAL STAFF ACTIVITIES16.07.2021
Successfully performed professional-specialist training for nutrition in nature OPERATIONS COMMAND07.07.2021
Chief of General Staff pays an official visit to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey GENERAL STAFF01.07.2021
The participation of the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia in the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan has ended GENERAL STAFF29.06.2021
CHOGS of the Army Visits the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina GENERAL STAFF10.06.2021
DCHODs of the Army at the Annual Meeting of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armies for Member States of SEDM Process GENERAL STAFF10.06.2021
CHOGS Participates at the Conference of Chiefs of Defence/General Staffs of the Balkan Countries GENERAL STAFF08.06.2021
Duty Handover Ceremony of Commanders of the Operations Command and the 1st IBde GENERAL STAFF04.06.2021
The Canine Training Centre Visited by the Association of Defence Attachés TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND02.06.2021
Command Sergeant Major of Vermont Army National Guard – US Visits the Engineer Battalion OPERATIONS COMMAND02.06.2021
Visit to the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense by Distinguished Delegation of the Federal State of Vermont GENERAL STAFF02.06.2021