The Exercise “Electron” Confirmed Complete Operational Readiness of the Communication Information System of Signals Units in JOC EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND25.09.2015
Participation of ARM Members in International Exercises “Immediate Response-15” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND23.09.2015
Final Coordination Conference of the Exercise “Macedonian Flash 11” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND04.09.2015
Minister of Defence Zoran Jolevski, Ambassador of USA to RM Jess Baily, CGS of ARM Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski and JOC Commander Brigadier General Vasko Gjurchinovski Visit Military Exercise “Operation Phalanx- Macedonia” EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF31.08.2015
Realization of Initial Planning Conference for the Exercise “Freedom Shock” in the Military Police Battalion EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND09.07.2015
Workshop for Preparation of Final Documents for Exercise “Macedonian Flash 11” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND26.06.2015
Workshop for Making Operational Plan for Exercise “MACEDONIAN FLASH – 11” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND15.05.2015
Members of ARM Participate in Exercise “Saber Junction – 15” in FR Germany EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND05.05.2015
Preparations for the Upcoming Exercise “SABER JUNCTION 15” (SJ-15) in FR Germany EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND27.03.2015
Workshop on Draft Plan for the Exercise “Macedonia Flash 11” (EXPLAN) EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND06.02.2015
Participation of the ARM Members in the International Exercise „Platinum Wolf 15“ EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND01.12.2014
ARM Members Who Participated in the “Fast Lion-14” Mission Arrived in Macedonia EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF13.06.2014
Assessment within the exercise “Fast Lion-14” officially completed EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF10.06.2014
Exercise “Fast Lion 2014” excellent opportunity to promote ARM interoperability in international operations and exercises EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF08.06.2014
EUBG 2014-2 Force Protection Company began preparations for upcoming exercise EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF03.06.2014
ARM Chief of General Staff wishes success to ARM EUBG 2014-2 declared unit prior to departure for exercise “Quick Lion” in Belgium EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF02.06.2014
Successfully completed participation in the multilateral exercise “Platinum Eagle 14-2” in Romania by the contingent members of the next rotation in ISAF EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND26.05.2014
Exercise of Engineer Battalion with Live Explosive: “Demolition of elements and materials” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND22.05.2014
Continued assessment of the EUBG Company on the exercise “Fast Lynx 14” EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND15.05.2014
Assessment of the company for force protection EUBG 2014-2 on the “Fast Lynx 14” exercise EXERCISES, OPERATIONS COMMAND14.05.2014