In the Training Centre (TC) Pepeliste in the period between 22 th to 26th June, 2015 workshop was held to produce the final documents for the upcoming exercise “Macedonian Flash – 11” (MF-11) when NATO Evaluation Level 2 of Military Police company and Self-assessment Level 1 of Ranger company will be conducted.
As part of the workshop the schedule for implementation of the exercise was made, the main list of events and incidents was finalized (MLE / MLI), as well as the activities for VIP guests day.
In the same period the director of the exercises gave an operational order to the superior command for the exercise (HICON) from the battalion of Military Police and Rangers Battalion.
The above mentioned will be delivered to the commanders of units evaluated at the exercises MF 11.
Within the planned activities of the workshop on 24th and 25th June the commanding staff of the exercise conducted reconnaissance of TA “Krivolak” and specified the main activities for the day of VIP guests.