Photo News: Activities of the Army on the Occasion of October 11th – National Uprising Day GENERAL STAFF14.10.2019
The Chairman of the European Union Military Committee Visits the General Staff of the Army GENERAL STAFF04.10.2019
Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski Attends the 23rd US – Adriatic Charter Chiefs of Staff Conference GENERAL STAFF25.09.2019
Photo news: Army activities on the occasion of September 8th, Independence Day GENERAL STAFF08.09.2019
Photo news: Artillery fire in honor of the 8th September – the Independence Day GENERAL STAFF07.09.2019
A Send-off Ceremony for Army Members Taking Part in “Saber Junction 19” Exercise GENERAL STAFF05.09.2019
The General Staff of the Army at the Thirteenth Conference of Chiefs of General Staff of the Balkan Countries GENERAL STAFF04.09.2019
The Chief of the General Staff of AF of the Republic of Croatia Pays an Official Visit to the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia GENERAL STAFF29.08.2019
Meetings of the Newly Appointed Defence Attaché of Germany at the General Staff GENERAL STAFF27.08.2019
Formal gathering of members of the General Staff and Army Commands and Units on the occasion of August 18th – Army Day GENERAL STAFF16.08.2019
The Chief of the General Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces General Andrej Bocev in an Official Visit of the Army GENERAL STAFF16.08.2019
The strategic partnership with the National Guard of Vermont has been confirmed during the first official visit to the General Staff by the newly appointed Commander of the National Guard of Vermont, Colonel Gregory Knight GENERAL STAFF15.08.2019
Deputy Chief of General Staff Meets with the Newly Appointed Defence Attaché of the Republic of Serbia GENERAL STAFF17.07.2019
The Chief of the General Staff Visits the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia GENERAL STAFF16.07.2019
The Current condition of the South Border at the Gevgelija Region Presented to the Supreme Commander of the Army GENERAL STAFF04.07.2019
The President and Supreme Commander, Stevo Pendarovski, in Bitola attended the open day for the citizens as part of the activities of the military exercise “Decisive Strike” EXERCISES, GENERAL STAFF30.06.2019
The Chief of the General Staff in an Official Visit to the Hungarian Armed Forces GENERAL STAFF26.06.2019