Photo news: The Army of the Republic of Macedonia Commemorates the two Ilinden Day`s Historic Events GENERAL STAFF02.08.2015
Deputy Chief of GS of ARM Lieutenant General Naser Sejdini Visited “Joint Reaction -15” Exercise in Tirana GENERAL STAFF22.07.2015
Meeting of ARM Chief of General Staff with Deputy Chief of Section for Planning, Policy and Partnership of the US Command in Europe, Brigadier General William Hall GENERAL STAFF13.07.2015
ARM Sergeant Major of the Army Takes Part in the 6th Conference of Army Sergeant Majors of the Adriatic Charter and USA Armies GENERAL STAFF09.07.2015
Farewell Meeting of ARM Chief of Staff with the Defense Attaché of Republic of Serbia in Republic of Macedonia GENERAL STAFF07.07.2015
Chief of General Staff of Kingdom of Norway Armed Forces Visits Public Relations Regional Centre, Medical Training Centre and Special Operations Regiment GENERAL STAFF30.06.2015
Bilateral Discussions in the Field of Logistics between ARM Representatives and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Slovenia GENERAL STAFF22.06.2015
DCGS of ARM Took Part in the Annual Meeting of Deputy Chiefs of General Staff of Nation Members of SEDM Process GENERAL STAFF04.06.2015
Annual Meeting of Logistics Chiefs of Member Countries of A5 Adriatic Charter Signatories GENERAL STAFF02.06.2015
Photo news: Sending off of ARM Contingent to be deployed in “Resolute Support” mission in I. R. Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF01.06.2015
Participation of Deputy Chief of ARM General Staff at the Ninth Conference of Chiefs of General Staffs of the Balkan Countries Armies GENERAL STAFF27.05.2015
ARM Chief of General Staff Participates in NATO Military Committee Conference in Brussels GENERAL STAFF20.05.2015
Sergeant Major of National Guard of Vermont – US Visits the Army of Republic of Macedonia GENERAL STAFF19.05.2015
Photo news: The Minister of Defence and the Chief of General Staff of ARM visit the Course for Assessment and Selection of candidates for the Special Operations Regiment GENERAL STAFF27.04.2015
NATO Course for Environmental Protection and Systems for Managing the Environment in the Army GENERAL STAFF24.04.2015
Participation of the Sergeant Major of ARM at the 9th Conference of Sergeant Majors of the Army of European Armies GENERAL STAFF22.04.2015
The Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria Vice Admiral Rumen Nikolov Visits ARM GENERAL STAFF21.04.2015
Meeting of CHOD of ARM with Assistant Chief of Staff of Allied Joint Force Command in Naples GENERAL STAFF20.04.2015