Duty Handover between the Twelfth and the Thirteenth Contingent of Peacekeeping Mission “Resolute Support” OPERATIONS COMMAND17.12.2020
Ceremony for Lowering the Flags in the Camp Marmal, Mazar-e Sharif in Afghanistan OPERATIONS COMMAND14.09.2020
Independence Day marked with dignity by the Army servicemen of the Republic of North Macedonia in the “Resolute Support” Mission OPERATIONS COMMAND09.09.2020
Handover-Takeover of Duties in the Mission “Resolute Support – Command Capital” OPERATIONS COMMAND25.06.2020
Duty Handover between Ninth and Tenth Rotation of Mission “Resolute Support” in Afghanistan MISSIONS21.06.2019
Deployment of staff officers to the Peace Support Operation “Resolute Support” OPERATIONS COMMAND28.02.2019
NATO Medal Awarded to Members of the 7th Rotation TAAC – C Kabul for Participating in Resolute Support Mission GENERAL STAFF19.02.2018
Meeting with Officers from ARM Seventh Rotation in Command North in “Resolute Support” Mission GENERAL STAFF29.08.2017
Meeting with Staff Officers on the Occasion of their Departure in the Mission “Resolute Support” GENERAL STAFF23.02.2017
Meeting with Staff Officers on the Occasion of their Departure in the Mission “Resolute Support” GENERAL STAFF25.08.2016
The Chief of GS of ARM Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski Visits Macedonian Peacekeepers in Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF02.08.2016
ARM Members from the Fourth Rotation in the Train Advise Assist Command – Capital Prepared to Join the Mission “Resolute Support” GENERAL STAFF, MISSIONS03.06.2016
A Meeting between the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the GS and the Staff Officers in the Mission ‘Resolute Support’ Command-North GENERAL STAFF26.02.2016
A ceremony to mark third rotation of mission “Resolute Support” in Afghanistan MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND07.12.2015
Official Reception of Staff Officers from Resolute Support Mission and ALTEA at the GS of ARM GENERAL STAFF27.11.2015
Meeting between the MoD and CGS with the Staff Officers Deployed to “Resolute Support” at the Command North GENERAL STAFF, MISSIONS27.08.2015
Sending-off Ceremony at the Joint Operations Command for the Second Rotation of Peacekeepers within the Security Forces Securing the Command in “Resolute Support” Mission MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND19.06.2015
Photo news: Sending off of ARM Contingent to be deployed in “Resolute Support” mission in I. R. Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF01.06.2015
Dignified Presentation of Macedonian Army by Members of Macedonian Contingent in Mission “Resolute Support” MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND21.04.2015
Recognition of High Professionalism of ARM Personnel in the Mission “Decisive Support” MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND06.04.2015
Meeting of the Minister of Defence with Staff Officers Departing to Participate in the Mission “Decisive Support” in Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF, MISSIONS27.02.2015
ARM Team Meets the Command Commander at the Train, Advise, Assist Command –North in the Decisive Support Mission MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND12.02.2015
The ARM Members’ Activities in the “Decisive Support” mission in Afghanistan MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND10.02.2015
Ceremonial Send-off of the ARM Contingent to the Mission “Decisive Support” in Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF, MISSIONS27.12.2014
Sending-off Ceremony at the Joint Operations Command for the First Rotation of Peacekeepers within the Security Forces which Secure the Command in the New Mission “Decisive Support” MISSIONS, OPERATIONS COMMAND19.12.2014
Welcoming ceremony for the ARM contingent coming back from the ISAF mission in Afghanistan GENERAL STAFF, MISSIONS25.07.2014