At the Army training area “Krivolak”, the Special Operations Battalion, of the Special Operations Regiment (SOR) and the Engineering Battalion, of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade (1stMIBde) carried out a joint demonstration exercise “Use of mine explosive devices for specific tasks in the ARM”.
In the first section of the exercise “Demolition of elements and materials” was demonstrated, where in practice there was demolition of a pole, rails, a metal door, a wall, a wooden bridge, etc. In the next section carrying out of “Military operations in urban area” by MES (Military Engineer Services), was presented, as well as clearing a passage through a mine field by using the so called “Bangalore torpedo”. During the third and final section, setting up and carrying out an ambush by using MES and exfiltration with a helicopter were demonstrated.
The exercise was attended by: the Chief of the ARM GS, Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski, the Director of the ARM GS, Major General Dimche Petrovski, and Commanders of the JOC, the SOR, 1stMIBde and of other ARM units.
After the successful completion of the demonstration exercise, the Chief of the GS of the ARM in his address pointed out that this exercise is an excellent example of two units joining their professional specialties for successful realization of the given tasks.