At the military barracks ‘Alekso Demnievski – Bauman’ – Veles, on April 15, with a military ceremony the Training and Doctrine Command marked the Day of the Unit.
With a resolution by the President of the Republic of Macedonia for deciding on the Days of the Units of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, today’s date has been taken as the Day of the Training and Doctrine Command (TDC), as a significant date when, in 1992 the first recruits from the regular Army of the RM arrived to do their military service in an independent Republic of Macedonia.
Today’s celebration was attended by the Deputy Chief of the ARM General Staff, Major General Muhamet Racaj, the ARM Unit Commanders, representatives of the MoD and the ARM GS, previous commanders and retired officers from the unit and representatives of the local self-government.
In the previous period, within the program to mark the day of the unit, an action for voluntary blood donation took place where many units of blood were collected, while during a humanitarian activity a considerable amount of clothes, food and toiletries was gathered and handed over to the Red Cross. Besides all these activities, sports competitions in futsal, table tennis and chess were also organized.
In accordance with its assigned mission, the Training and Doctrine Command is responsible for organizing, coordinating and realization of the individual training of soldiers, cadets, NCOs and COs from active duty and the reserve, for supporting the collective training of the ARM commands and units, and development of the doctrine and lessons learned in the ARM.
Besides the recruits, from 1992 to 2006, 28 generations of citizens on voluntary military service passed through the TDC training program and received training. The TDC structure is comprised of more training centres, among which the Cadets Training Centre carries out preparation and realization of the basic military training of cadets and officer candidates in the services of the ARM; at the Foreign Language Centre a large number of the MoD and the ARM members improve their knowledge of English language and of other foreign languages. The Canine Training Centre is responsible for proper breeding of dogs and provides a sufficient number of trained service dogs for various purposes.