Тhe patrons and the 82nd anniversary of the death of the national heroes Strasho Pindjur and Mirche Acev were marked today by laying fresh flowers at the Strasho Pindjur barracks in Petrovec and the Mirche Acev barracks in Prilep.
At the Petrovec barracks, fresh flowers were laid by delegations from: the Operations Command, the 1st Infantry Brigade Command, the Air Force Ving Command, as well as representatives from the Municipality of Kavadarci and the Town Museum of Kavadarci.
A representative from the Kavadarci Town Museum gave a historical lecture dedicated to the life and work of Strasho Pindjur, reminding those present of his brave and freedom-loving spirit.
At the Prilep barracks, fresh flowers were laid by delegations from: the 1st Infantry Brigade Command, the Artillery Battalion, the Municipality of Prilep, the Municipality of Bitola, the Veterans’ Association of Prilep, the grandson of Mirche Acev, and the Secondary School Mirche Acev.
The commander of the Artillery Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Slavcho Kuzmanovski, gave a speech about the life and work of the national hero Mirche Acev to the attendees at the Prilep barracks. He emphasized that celebrating the patron strengthens the traditions of the rich Macedonian history and that Army members are obligated to honor the deeds and lives given by all the fighters for a free and independent state.
The program was enriched by the students from the Mirche Acev Secondary School in Prilep with their recitals and musical performances.