On February 22, 2024, a Conference on International Military Cooperation was organized in the Army House – Skopje, to which several representatives of the organizational units of the General Staff (OU of GS) and the first subordinate commands and units (FSC and U) were invited. The conference was organized by the Department for International Military Cooperation (DIMC/GS), in coordination with the Sector for International Cooperation (SIC/MoD), the Human Resources Department (HRD/MoD) and the Office for Defense Cooperation (ODC).
The purpose of the Conference was to familiarize the staff and define the initial base of bilateral cooperation, harmonization and assembling of all elements in the preparation of certain documents in the field of international military cooperation, defining the tasks of the stakeholders and associates in the implementation of the activities in the Republic of North Macedonia and abroad. In addition to this, the planning of financial resources appropriate to these types of activities was covered. At the end of the Conference, the aspect of regional and multilateral cooperation was covered and the participants were informed about the benefits of the Army’s membership in the regional initiatives (BCHOD’s Conference, US-Adriatic Charter, DECI).