The students at the Course for military officers and civil servants at the Royal College of Defence Studies in London, the United Kingdom, today had a working meeting with the Deputy Chief of GS of ARM, Major General Muhamet Racaj as part of their study trip to the Republic of Macedonia.
During today’s meeting at the General Staff, the students at the Course for military officers at the Royal College had the opportunity to learn about the structure and the mission of ARM, as well as the participation of ARM in the peace missions and its role in the dealing with the migrant crisis at the southern border.
The Royal College of Defence Studies is a senior college of the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and its basic goal is improvement of the strategic education of the officers and civilians who will be part of the strategic level for creating policies in the government sector and the international area. It is one of the most eminent colleges of defence studies in the world and as part of their education, the students are supposed to visit certain regions in the world.
Besides officers from the United Kingdom, this eminent college of defence studies also provides education for representatives from several countries in the world and until now, several members of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia have finished their studies there.