Today, a delegation of the Slovakian Armed Forces, led by General Milan Maxim, after the meeting with the President of the Republic of Macedonia and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Gjorge Ivanov, visited the Macedonian south border.
In the region of the watchtower ‘Bogorodica’, ARM members familiarized the delegation, in the presence of the police forces of the Slovak Republic who are engaged at the southern border, with the entire situation on the southern border concerning the refugee crisis, and at the same time they presented the activities carried out by the ARM.
The military delegation of the Slovakian Armed Forces showed great interest in the presented measures that the ARM effectively carries out while preventing the illegal crossing of the state border, in accordance with the assigned tasks for intensified and continuous securing of the south and north border, and the effects of which are also visible for the EU member states.
From the very beginning of their engagement, by professionally applying the prevention activities like surveillance, patrolling and reconnaissance, ARM members daily prevent tens, and on some days even hundreds of attempts for illegal crossing of the sate border, whereby to this day they have prevented more than tens of thousands of such attempts.
At the end of this two-day visit, General Maxim expressed his gratitude for the shared experience of the ARM in dealing with the challenges of the migrant crisis, which represents a good basis for boosting the cooperation, exchange of experience and support of the ARM for full membership in the NATO alliance.