Today (1st January 2015) at barracks Ilinden in Skopje, the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, H. E. Dr. Gjorge Ivanov together with the Minister of Defence Zoran Jolevski and the Chief of GS of ARM Lieutenant General Gorancho Koteski, on the ocassion of the New Year holiday, visited the members of the Army of Republic of Macedonia.
The President on his behalf and on the behalf of the citizens of Republic of Macedonia wished the members of ARM a Happy New Year and presented them with a television. He also expressed his gratitude for all their efforts to preserve the peace and keep the country safe and at the same time he wished a Happy New Year to all the ARM members deployed to peacekeeping missions abroad.
President Ivanov also visited the Special Forces Battalion ‘Wolves’ and unveiled a stone memorial of the army wolves which in the future would be a place where the new service members will give their oath of enlistment.
In his statement to the press President Ivanov said: “This year`s wish of all soldiers and commanders is for Republic of Macedonia to become what has duly been deserved, a NATO member country”.