Today, 29th November, the SEEBRIG Commander, Brigadier General Hakan Eser, met the ARM Chief of General Staff, Lieutenat General Gorancho Koteski and the Minister of Defence of Republic of Macedonia Talat Dzaferi.
The SEEBRIG delegation led by Brigadier General Hakan Eser, from 27th util 30th November, will conduct the evaluation of the declared units in ARM allocated to the Brigade.
The delegation also met the JOC Commander, General Major Metodija Velichkovski and at the same time performed an evaluation of the declared Mechanized Infantry Company, part of the 1st Mehanized Infantry Battalion, from the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The delegation will continue with today`s activities by evaluating the declared Engineer Platoon, part of the Engineer Batallion in barracks Ilinden in Skopje.
South-Eastern Europe Brigade, SEEBRIG, was established in 1999 in accordance with the agreement for regional defence cooperation, also known as Agreement for Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe (MPFSEE), which was signed in 1998, in Skopje by the Ministers of Defence of the participating countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy Macedonia, Romania and Turkey. Acording to the agreement, the location of the SEEBRIG HQ is on a four year rotation basis. SEEBRIG HQ host cities so far include: Plovdiv, Constanta, Istanbul (until June 2011) and Larissa from June 2011 utill 2015.
The units allocated to the Brigade remain at their permanent host base locations and are under the commitment of the task force principle for exercise and operations in accordance with the decision of the participating countries and the appropriate directive of the Politico-Military Steering Committee (PMSC).
The Commander of SEEBRIG changes every two years. Brigadier General Zdravko Popovski from the Republic of Macedonia was the Brigade Commander from 2011 to 2013.
According to the results of the last evaluation of the declared units of ARM, conducted in April 2012, they satisfy all evaluation criteria and are ready to participate in a mission.