Today 04.04.2014 students from the Faculty of Security in Skopje, under University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola visited the Special Operations Regiment.
Fifty full and part-time students who follow the subject Security strategies and management systems and Contemporary security with great interest followed the briefing on the unit where they were presented with unit’s mission, structure, equipment and experience gained from missions where the unit participated. Students had the opportunity to closely familiarize themselves with the features and capabilities of armaments, combat and non-combat vehicles and equipment used in the unit through tactical technical word.
Through methodical exercise given “Fast rope and rappelling” guests from the faculty were familiarized with capabilities that offers multifunctional climbing tower and climbing training process through which pass each members of the Special Operations Regiment. For guests unit organized demonstration of martial arts used by the unit in the process of training.
Students did not hide there admiration of what was shown by members of the regiment , while highlighting the common points of what they learn in theory and what is actually working in a unit of the Army.