Based on the existing bilateral cooperation with the Army of Republic of Slovenia, from 8th to 11th December 2020, a selective course for JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) was conducted at military barracks “Strasho Pindzur’ in Petrovec. Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) is the term used in the United States Armed Forces and some other military forces for a qualified service member who directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and other offensive air operations from a forward position.
Nine members of the Air Force WING received training on the course conducted by four instructors from Slovenian Armed Forces. One candidate for instructor from the Air Force WING, who had previously successfully completed JTAC course at SAF AGOS (Slovenian Armed Forces Air Ground Operations School), participated as course instructor.
During the course expert talks were held between Slovenian Army representatives and chiefs of sections for planning and training, or their deputies, from the Operations Command, the Air force WING and the 1st Infantry Brigade.
The aim of these expert talks was to understand the role of the Air Ground Operations School in regional development of the JTAC program, the necessity for having this type of unit in NATO armies and its role in increasing combat readiness of NATO armies.