In the period from 7 to 10 March 2016 in the Water Training Centre in Ohrid initial planning conference for the upcoming exercise “Macedonian Flash 12” was held. Exercise is planned to be realized in the training center “Pepelishte” and the Military Range “Krivolak” from 1 to 7 October.
Objective of the exercise “Macedonian Flash 12” is to train and assess interoperability and capabilities of declared Ranger coy in NATO-led operations that are not covered by Article 5 of the NATO Charter, in a complex security environment.
The conference began with a briefing where was presented what was done until now and in which stage of the planning process we are, also guidelines for future work were given.
The documents that were supposed to be made at this conference were successfully developed and presented to the director of the exercise, Lieutenant colonel Besnik Emini which he approved and announced the next step „Workshop for preparation of an operational plan“ which will be conducted in the Special Operations Regiment premises in May.