Today, 25th of March in the Army house in Skopje, organized by GS of ARM a training conference was held. Mayor-General Dimche Petrovski opened the conference emphasizing the importance of the conference. At the conference the subordinate GS ARM commands and units presented their financial needs regarding training for 2015.
Participants of the conference were representatives of the organizational GS ARM units chiefs of subordinate commands and units responsible for training and exercises (J, G, A, S – 7).
The immediate subordinate commands and units spoke about their financial needs for training and exercises in 2015 and they presented the projects and activities in this area. Among the priorities of the conference was pointing out the operational demands of the required amounts of assets for supporting training according to program 4 – ARM Training.
At the end of the conference conclusion were drawn and assignments were appointed for further activities in the process of planning and improvement of managing ARM training.
The Training conference takes place twice a year. A Conference for planning and programming of the activities is held in March and a Conference for financing the training activities for the following calendar year is held in November.