With the promotion of the second group of total 55 Army members from the lines of professional soldiers who were promoted to junior NCO rank on today’s military ceremony in the “Ilinden” barracks, the promotion process of the first generation of NCOs was rounded off after our competent NATO membership.
During the promotion, as a motive for their further effort in the training process certificates were conferred on the three attendees that had achieved best results during the 3-month basic NCO course by the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski and the Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska.
In her addressing, the Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska pointed out that this act of promotion of NCOs rounded off one of the crucial objectives not only for this year, but also for the whole decade of the Army work.
Therefore, it was emphasized that the completion of NCOs corps will continue, because the NCOs are those who guide the soldiers, those who organize, inspire, motivate. “You are the spine of the Army, and it is crucial that the spine stays straight and strong for every country.” expressed the Minister.
“We learned how to get up during the most difficult times; we learned how to be a community that built a huge cohabitation. We walked courageously and honestly day and night along with the instruction team just to achieve our objective, an objective marked by standing shoulder to shoulder, cohesion, and tactics. An objective to become leaders.” Said the best ranked NCO, Sergeant Boban Jankovski to his newly ranked NCO colleagues.
The NCO course that started on 28th of November year 2020 and was realized in two groups due to the “COVID-19” situation, promoted 120 new NCOs after 11 long years. The first group of 65 NCOs of junior NCO rank was promoted in February. Experienced instructors from the Training and Doctrines Command, Special Forces Battalion and the Observation and Intelligence Battalion realized the training at the “Krivolak” barrack square and the “Pepelishte” training centre.
The effort and knowledge gained from the planned activities during the training will help the newly promoted NCOs to develop themselves into motivated and competent Non-Commissioned Officers in their further job in the units to which they will be assigned, and to set an example of how a NATO Army member should look like.