Today in the “Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu” barracks in Tetovo, the members of the 3 MIBn within the 1st MIBde celebrated the Day of the unit with a military ceremony in full compliance with “COVID-19” recommendations and measures for protection against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
The ceremony was attended by the Commander of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Colonel Besnik Emini, some of the personnel of the command and staff of the 1st IBde and the Commanders of the subordinate units. In his speech Colonel Emini congratulated on the occasion and acknowledged the awarded Medal of Merit for successfully completing the task related to dealing with the “COVID-19” pandemic.
On the occasion of the day of the unit the Commander of the 3MIBde Lieutenant Colonel Izeir Ejupi said: “Today we celebrate one more day in the centuries long struggle and aspirations of many generations for a free and independent country and today’s celebration is another opportunity to remember our ancestors and their heroic deeds”’ , at the same time he emphasized the sacrifice and readiness of the personnel today in completing the assigned tasks such as the dealing with the pandemic in the Debar and Reka region for which they were decorated with a Medal of Merit, something that all servicemen of the 3IBn and the Army should be proud of.
On this occasion incentives for successful work and execution of tasks were assigned.
With a resolution by the president of the republic of North Macedonia and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, August 27 is proclaimed as a “Day of the 3MIBn” in honor and memory of the traditions of the 15th Porechje Striker Brigade, which was founded on this day in 1944.