Within the period from 22.04 to 29.04.2015 part of the subordinate units of the engineer battalion within the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade, in accordance with the Training Plan had training during camping at the Training area “Krivolak”, during which they had shooting with a personal weapon as well as individual and unit exercises with live mine and explosive devices.
The goal of the activities was enabling and training the members of the engineer battalion for survival and work in field conditions, propеr handling and use of personal weapon, as well as individual and colective safe and proper handling of explosive charges and devices with explosive charges.
The camping started with a daytime and night shooting with personal weapon at the shooting range “Brest”. During the following days, at the training ground for engineers “Mushanci”, there was an individual training with live mine and explosive devices related to: making and ignition of slow burning ignition device, ignition of explosive charges with slow burning ignition device, ignition of electric detonator cap and ignition of explosive charges with electric detonator cap.
In continuation there was unit training related to: designing network for fuse ignition and ignition of explosive charges, designing network for electrical ignition and ignition of explosive charge and more complex exercises such as – demolition of elements and materials and preparation and ignition of different explosives laid in the ground.
Representatives of the inspection team from the Inspection Sector at the Ministry of Defense, as part of the scheduled inspection of the unit, commanders of the Joint Operations Command, 1st Mechanized Brigade and the Engineer Battalion and the newly appointed second lieutenants in the units were present at the shootings with personal weapon and part of the exercises with live mine and explosive devices.
From the conducted analysis, it was concluded that the goal of the training was fully accomplished. Also, the experiences and knowledge gained through previous training were successfully implemented and a high level of professionalism and training was presented by the members of the engineer battalion.