Today, on 29.05.2019, a delegation of defence Attachés accredited to the Republic of North Macedonia visited the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) in barracks “Alekso Demnievski-Bauman” in Veles. They received a warm welcome by the TRADOC Commander, Colonel Ljubencho Petrovski.
During the visit, defence Attachés had the opportunity to see a short presentation and learn more about TRADOC, the mission of the unit, its structure, the tasks and activities, as well as about the challenges and future plans of the unit. After the presentation, the guests asked a few questions about the current and future activities and plans of the unit.
After leaving the barracks in Veles, the delegation together with the TRADOC Commander visited the Municipality of Veles where they had a meeting with the Mayor.
In accordance with the protocol, they also visited the Cadets Training Centre in Skopje where the delegation was briefed about the activities of this unit.
This type of visits by the defence Attachés is a regular annual activity in accordance with the Cooperation Plan of the Ministry of Defence with the Association of Defence Attachés accredited to our country.