On November 19 the Training and Doctrines Command was visited by a NATO advisory team in Republic of Macedonia. The team was lead by Chief Colonel Aleksandar Aleksandrov. Warm welcome of the team was organized by a team from the Training Command led by Chief of Staff in the Training and Doctrines Command, Colonel Zoran Jovanovski, PhD.
During the visit short briefings were held regarding the Individual Training Centre (CIO), as well as the Centre for developing doctrines, regulations, guidelines and lessons learnt (CIDPUNL), at which were presented information concerning: mission and tasks, organizational and formational structure, available personnel and equipment, and more significant activities of the units.
Having in mind that in the previous visits of ARM units – combat units were visited, this was the first unit with training as its main mission task. In addition, all courses being held in CIO were presented, as well as the training of soldiers who voluntarily serve in the Army.
With the briefing regarding the newly established Centre for developing doctrines, regulations, guidelines and lessons learnt the NATO team was familiarized with the process of creation of regulations and guidelines, as well as with the manner of cooperation with the planning section in GS of ARM. Both briefings raised discussion and talks regarding the necessity to support the NATO advisory team for NATO interoperability.
The final tour was a visit to a part of the accommodation facilities available in the unit, which was an opportunity to visit the classes at the Advanced NCO Course currently being implemented in the CIO.
NATO advisory team members, pleased with the visit, exchanged experiences and gave their opinions about the upcoming period.