Today, 7th September 2015 in Ilinden barracks in Skopje a ceremony for employment of 125 professional soldiers took place.
The participants at the ceremony were the following: Minister of Defence Mr. Zoran Jolevski, Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski, JOC Commander Brigadier General Vasko Gjurchinovski and representatives from MOD and ARM.
Minister Jolevski congratulated the newly employed soldiers on the beginning of their military career and stressed that they all went through a very demanding and rigorous selection and proved they were the best among the best.
“We are aware that a key element for a successful army is highly trained, motivated and professional personnel. This is why we invest in training the ARM personnel. A period of hard work and challenges is ahead of you all. A challenge of investing in knowledge and training and better future”, stated Minister Jolevski.
Employing these new professional soldiers means that till the end of 2015 we could fill in the commands and units with highly trained and motivated personnel”, stressed Minister Jolevski in his speech at the ceremony for employment of new professional soldiers in ARM.