An ARM delegation lead by the Chief of Staff of Joint Operations Command, Brigadier General Azim Nuredin, took part in the International Symposium of Air Warfare – 2016 – ISAW’16, which took place in Istanbul, Turkey from 30th of March till 2nd of April, 2016.
The ISAW’16 was organized by the Turkish War College in order to exchange ideas about different perspectives of air and space power. There were high military authorities, academicians, specialists, senior executives and commanders, known for their significant studies within aviation field coming from more than 50 countries. The ISAW’16 was conducted in 4 sessions with more than 1000 participants from over 60 countries.
The Turkish War College gives the highest education and training in the Turkish air force. The College gives the future military leaders leadership skills necessary for today’s air warfare, as well as, skills for overcoming operations and logistics challenges, and skills for political operational planning.