Today, November 13 (Wednesday) 2013, at 11.00 am at the “Ilinden” barracks in Skopje a ceremony was held on the occasion of the Engineers Day. The ceremony was attended by the Commander of the ARM Joint Operations Command (JOC), Major General Metodija Velichkovski, the Director of the General Staff of the ARM, Major General Dimche Petrovski, the Commander of the First Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Pavle Arsoski, former members of the unit and other dignitaries.
At the ceremony, the attendees were addressed by the 1st MIB commander Brigadier General PavleArsoski who said he was proud to be a commander of such a unit and expects to be satisfied with what has been done, the successes achieved by the Engineer Battalion and that he expects them to continue performing their duties even better.
At the end of the ceremony a tactical technical exhibition was organized displaying the unit formational arms and technique.