In the period from 30.03 to 09.04.2015, the members of the Special Operations Regiment that are certified military paratroopers of the Army in the premises of the barracks “Ilinden” preformed training for the condition- “prepared”.
During the training, paratroopers from the regiment confirmed and determined the knowledge of the theory of jumping, performed jumping on ground, various kinds of landings etc. During the training they reaffirmed the high physical fitness and in practical packaging of a parachute for jump. The efforts and interest of the paratroopers was on excellent level although it was known substances. Only with painstakingly repeating and practices perfection can be achieved and not to leave room for error when it would come time to jump.
With the completion of this training all members of Special Operations Regiment that are certified military paratroopers of the Army is in a condition „prepared“ to make the jump.