In the process of achieving full operational readiness, in the period from 11 – 13 June 2018 in Simulations Center (SC) in Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), there was a Computer Assisted Exercise – (CAX) which was the second one this year. The CAX was called – ‘Reinforced Mechanized Infantry Battalion in Defense’ and it was conducted by the servicemen of the 1.Mechanized Infantry Battalion/1 Mechanized Infantry Brigade JOC.
This training was preceded by the training of JCATS operators (Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation) simulation platform, at which SC / TRADOC servicemen were instructors. The exercise was fully organized, prepared and conducted by a team of young people led by LCol. Gjorgi Vasilevski and enforced by their enthusiasm, persistence and professional commitment. This shows that the desire for personal and collective development has contributed to complicated software procedures being mastered in a very short time.
During the final part of the activity the Commander of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Mirche Gjorgoski, visited SC and the servicemen of 1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion. In addition, he also attended the analysis of the computer assisted exercise.
If we take into consideration the fact that the SC / TRADOC got the equipment a year ago and the training of the staff started at the same time, the conclusion is that the team is on the right way to offer ARM a training tool at the level of all modern armies. This modern tool will help ARM units and HQ to practice staff procedures when making decisions and what the impact of those decisions will be on the final result of the combat and non-combat activities of the units in real time and on real terrain in a prior defined operational frame.