In the period from 21.04 to 24.04.2015 at the shooting range “Penush” members of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion (2nd MIBn) from the 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade (1st MIBde) conducted exercises in shooting, school and preparatory shooting with the armament of armored mechanized units (AMU).
The shooting exercise was carried out on the basis of the Plan-calendar of training with machine guns “PKT/SGMT” 7.62mm (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankovyi / Kalasnikov Mashine-gun) with armoured transporter (AT) TM 170 “Hermelin” and NSV 12.7 (Nikitin – Sokolova – Volkova) with AT MTLB (Mnogotselevoy Tyagach Lekhko Bronirovannyi).
The members of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion achieved excellent results in the shooting exercise.