Last weekend professional soldier Ljubomir Spasikj, a member of the Centre for Individual Training, within the Training and Doctrine Command at the barracks in Veles, made the army and its unit proud with his success in a water sport competition. A dedicated and a professional member of his unit and the Army, he is also a successful kayaker who proudly represents his country. Each of his successes demonstrates and confirms his dedication, especially his last success, winning first place at an international competition.
The competition took place in the Republic of Serbia, in Chachak and it has been held annually for 16 years in-a row, honoring the founder of the kayak club of Chachak. Forty-five participants from three countries: the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in the men and women’s categories of the competition. Professional soldier Ljubomir Spasikj won first place for this year’s competition in the kayaking category for seniors, namely the white-water slalom.
In the period to come, professional soldier Ljubomir Spasikj will take part in other competitions, like the world cups in France and Bosnia and Herzegovina in May and June, aiming to qualify for the finals and then compete for a medal.
These competitions are organized in pandemic conditions in accordance with the safety measures and precautions for COVID-19.