Today (14.11.2015), The President of the Republic of Macedonia and the Supreme Commander of the Armed forces did a tour and carried out an inspection of the realization of the tasks by the units of ARM at the south border in the Dojran region, an area that has been affected by the measures of a state of emergency.
During the tour president Ivanov was informed about the conditions in the field and the activities and the measures that ARM takes in the case of necessary additional engagement in this part of the south border.
It was emphasized that from the beginning of the engagement and until present day the units of ARM have prevented 8500 illegal crossings of the south border, and the refugees have been directed to the border stone 59 near Gevgelija, in order to be registered at temporary transit center.
ARM consistently conducts reconnaissance of the field and evaluates the risk of a greater influx of migrants in this part of the border based on the security estimates made in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
So far the activities have been conducted in an organized manner and by using the army reconnaissance capacities information on the movement of the migrants is obtained in order to react if necessary.
The President of the Republic of Macedonia was accompanied by: the Chief of GS of ARM Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski and the Commander of JOC Brigadier General Vasko Gjurchinovski.