On date 27.04 year 2021, the commander along with part of the personnel of 15.Engineer Combat Battalion of the US Armed Forces (15.ecb/AF of the US) stationed at “Krivolak” BS paid a work visit to the Operations Command (OC) and the Engineer Combat Battalion (ecb/OC). Representatives of the Office of Defense Cooperation at the US Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia were also part of the meetings.
The work meetings served as help to analyze the results achieved from the mutual training of both Engineer Combat Battalions and upcoming activities were discussed that would accomplish total realization of planned projects of “Krivolak” BS. The commander of OC, Major general Pavle Arsoski as well as the two Engineer Combat Battalion commanders expressed their contentment about the achieved results, the capability, professionalism and skills that the members of the two engineering units possess.
Road arteries have been built or reconstructed at “Krivolak” BS to contribute to its complete infrastructural connection. The building of warehouses, platforms and runways for takeoff and landing has either finished or they’re in their last stage of construction, arrangement of military camps has been made and a number of other activities have been done, with the purpose of achieving optimal conditions for the performance of the drill “Decisive Strike 21”. Therefore, the mutual training and exchange of experience of both engineering units strengthens the constant partnership with the US even more and improves the interoperability according to NATO standards.
During the work visit, the guests from the AF of the US visited the engineer brigade memorial room of the General Staff of the National Liberation Army (NLA) and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia (PDM), where they got familiar with the history of the famous unit which was formed on the 13th of November year 1944 (13.04.1944).