In the period from 17.09.2019 to 19.09.2019 in the Signals Battalion (sigbn) “Field Training” was conducted with the company for Mobile Communication Information Centers (MCIC) in the vicinity of Nova Breznitsa village.
With some of its stationary and mobile CIS (communication and information system) equipment the Signals Battalion has verified its own capabilities to carry out the assigned mission, as well as mobile communication and information support to other signal units. This tactical expert training in field conditions and realistic logistic support gives a clear picture of the Signals Battalion’s capabilities to carry out its assigned mission, i.e. to provide communication information support to the command and control process at strategic and operational levels.
This exercise completes one of the personnel training cycles in setting up and maintaining CIS continuity, by transitioning from stationary to field command and control conditions.
In addition, a map exercise with command and staff personnel and a 10km tactical march was also carried out during the said period. During the activity, the exercise was visited by the Deputy Commander of the JOC, Brigadier General Orce Jordev and Colonel Toni Dimov, as well as by the pupils from the regional elementary school “Draga Stojanovska” – Dolno Sonje, Municipality of Sopishte.