Ј-4 Mission and tasks
GS ARM Ј-4 Section (Ј-4/GS) is responsible for the logistics support. Its responsibility is to plan the logistics support and to coordinate all the activities regarding ARM logistics support.
They conduct their tasks and activities on the basis of the ARM CGS orders, MOD logistics sector directions and politics, NATO logistics doctrine and standards and on the basis of the current needs of the subordinate units. It has a role to control the realization of the measurements and activities which are necessary for achieving the level of units’ readiness for ARM logistics support.
Ј-4/GS has responsibilities and authorization to act as planning logistics ARM organ. Its primary responsibilities are:
- Supplies;
- Maintenance;
- Movement and Transport;
- Medicine;
- Infrastructure;
- Services.
- Develops plans for ARM logistics support, monitors their implementation and takes the necessary steps for logistics support improvement;
- Analyzes the system for ARM commands and units logistics support;
- Participates in creation and planning of ARM CGS operating orders;
- Designs ARM logistics support Scheme;
- Determines the structure of power and defines the goods reserves whish are necessary for missions (in country and abroad – in peace and during crises);
- Plans and conducts procurement in the domain of its responsibilities;
- Controls the units’ readiness for planning and conducting operations and gives suggestions for its improvement;
- Participates in planning the mobilization;
- Plans and coordinates arm forces deployment in missions abroad;
- Negotiates the PSD in Macedonia as well as PSD when troops are deployed abroad;
- Participates in planning and preparation of ARM and the country for natural disasters;
- Participates in planning the development of defence;
- Participates in planning and organization of logistics support exercises;
- Monitors the logistics personnel training and gives suggestions for improvement the level of personnel’s education and training (participates in creating Training plans and programs);
- Professionally leads the logistics personnel (keeps records of personnel and needs for education of the same);
- Follows the news in the field of production logistics as well as participates in acquiring the goods for meeting ARM needs;
- Studies and follows NATO standards, publications, documents and gives suggestions for their implementation;
- Suggests and conducts plans for international military cooperation for logistics programs;
- Plans and monitors the implementation of PfP goals in the area of logistics.
- Defines the requirements, dynamics and priorities in supplying (I-V), according units’ plans and needs;
- Evaluates the current possibilities and suggests necessary changes and improvements;
- Plans and writes specifications for fundamental procurements, gives directions and provides the plans for other procurements on all levels of supply;
- Coordinates the supply in accordance to the priorities of ARM units;
- Coordinates and monitors the collection and distribution of oversupplies and used materials which could be reused;
- Directs the delivery of logistics donations and confiscated materials and equipment (after a coordination with J-2);
- Detects the shortcomings, malfunctions and risks in supplying the materials and takes measurements for dealing with the same;
- Defines the reserve levels and logistics infrastructure for ARM logistics support;
- Suggests MOD the necessary materials and infrastructure for ARM logistics support;
- Plans the supply of ARM units with goods and services, procures the goods and provides necessary services for the units in the country and those deployed;
- Gives directions and controls the development of logistics data;
- Creates a suggestion for annual financial plans for important logistics procurements for the units;
- Designs the plans for proving the plan for goods distribution and services and analyzes if the same are economically and correctly used;
- Creates – suggests sets for materials;
- Grants discarding and destroying materials;
- Monitors and supervises hazard materials transport by ARM vehicles and all acts connected to this kind of transport.
- Plans and maintains the level of general overhaul;
- Coordinates the priorities for spare parts procurement;
- Plans the capacities for maintenance and repairs;
- Directs and proves the maintenance in civilian services in country and abroad;
- Monitors and evaluates the status of the equipment;
- Revises the suggestions and suggests materials modification;
- Defines the maintenance priorities and assesses the situation (readiness) of MS;
- Defines the timeframe for vehicles and equipment maintenance.
Movement and Transport
- Defines the needs and plans the strategic transport;
- Keeps records for number of drivers and engine drivers in ARM;
- Follows transport standards and plans their implementation;
- Improves ARM motor vehicles technical evaluation;
- Coordinates the transport and gives other services;
- Defines the rout of movement on the main roads for supply;
- Coordinates different means of transport (land, water and air);
- Controls the planning and realization of movements in ARM.
- Plans the establishment of effective medical support in country and abroad, for evacuation of wounded, injured and sick;
- Plans the rhythm of preventive medical care and takes acts and activities in country and abroad;
- Reviews and proves the plans for procurement of necessary medicine as well as accomplishing tasks in the field of medical care;
- Plans the veterinary activities for ARM units;
- Cooperates in standardization of ARM medical equipment and designs normative acts;
- Plans education and training of medical personnel in ARM units;
- Controls the implementation of measurements for medical care in ARM units;
- Designs the doctrine of medical support compatible to NATO medical doctrine;
- Plans medical evacuation in a situation of cries.
- Reviews the area for engaging people and goods for economical and functional infrastructural support of ARM units in country and when deployed;
- Reviews and plans the needs for procurements of goods, services, facilities and other infrastructure of ARM units in country and when deployed by the support of host country or a third party;
- Reviews the facilities for accommodation of ARM units and MTs;
- Monitors the condition of infrastructure (facilities and installations) and plans actions for infrastructure maintenance;
- Designs long-term, middle term and annual infrastructure plans;
- Participates in writing investment programs for adaptation of the current infrastructure as well as construction of new infrastructure;
- Cooperates with MOD for supporting Republic of Macedonia as a host country when ally countries have to use the infrastructure on the country;
- Participates in the activities in settling the area needed by ARM units;
- Keeps evidence for real estate (facilities and installation) which are used by subjects outside ARM;
- Controls the work of professional organs for construction protection in ARM units and gives professional help in tasks fulfillment;
- Participates in designing elaborates and works in expert commissions for conversion of real estate.
- Cooperates with MOD in infrastructure management;
- Participates in the work of investments and technical control documentation commission;
- Participates in the work of technical checks and final accounts for the accomplished works.
- Plans postal and courier services;
- Plans the facilities for food preparation, water purification, laundry, bathrooms and clothes exchange;
- Plans and supports prisoners of war accommodation;
- Coordinates transport and waste and hazardous materials handling.
Plans environment protection and controls its implementation.